All that Glitter

Welcome back! Even with life slowly opening up, it’s been a busy time. Graduation season is in full swing and college prep is starting to take center stage. Whatever the future will look like, it’s important to celebrate our accomplishments and spread positivity. I am going to share a simple project that is a great gift with multiple uses. It is a great sparkly focal point that is functional. Let’s gather our materials and start creating!

First you will need some rubbing alcohol, I keep mine in a dollar tree spray bottle. Mod podge, foam brush, and your favorite fine glitter. Not pictured here, you will also need something to seal your project with. I use art deco triple thick (found on amazon or any local craft store). You also need a glass cup of your choosing (I find the dollar tree perfect for finding what I need). I apologize about the sizing of my picture as I had difficulty editing it. Next, it’s time to start creating!

NEXT, wash and dry your cup. Now spray the inside of the cup with alcohol and wipe clean. We will be applying the glitter to the inside as my project was intended to use for make-up brushes. Apply a coat of mod podge and immediately pour the glitter into the cup. Swirl it around so it is fully coated and drop the excess onto a plate as shown. Let dry (don’t worry the white streaks will go away once fully dried) Depending on your environment, it normally takes about an hour to dry. Repeat this step TWO more times. After the third time, let sit for a few hours before applying the triple thick. Once the triple thick is applied to the dry cup, let sit over night. Now it is sealed and ready to go or ready to embellish.

I stopped here as the recipient just loves the sparkle. If you choose to embellish the outside of the cup using a sticker or vinyl with your cutting machine (such as a cricut), wipe the outside of the cup with alcohol to remove any oils. Let the cup cure for about 48 hours. Now it’s ready to be gifted or used! I included a bag of decorative sand (dollar tree strikes again) to pour into the cup so the make-up brushes could stand. This is also a great cup for pens/pencils etc…Get creative.

I hope you enjoyed this quick project. Please let me know what you would use this cup for in the comments below. Don’t forget to checkout my Instagram: sewmuchglitter for other project ideas and inspiration. Please tag me #sewmuchglitter if you create a project inspired by me. I can’t wait to share my next project with you, so follow me to get notified.

Have a great day!

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