30 day Color Challenge

Hello again! As I prepare for the daily marker 30 day color challenge, I find myself adding to my craft stash, once again (shhh). I wanted to share this challenge with you because I have recently started using my stamps in a different way (different for me). In doing this, I realized other crafters probably use certain supplies in certain ways too, which is why some of us have so much stuff (I am some of us).

I have always used my stamps on cards.My inks were used for blending, etc. I had never thought to use anything together. Everything had a place. I am sure this has already occurred to a lot of you but my creative journey isn’t always fast.

In discovering the daily marker on YouTube, I also discovered that different mediums can compliment each other. Most of mine were living separately. Now, I am eager to explore water coloring while using my pencils to compliment that same image. I am having fun coloring over a stamped image.

I invite you to join this journey with me, we can inspire each other!

I will be posting my coloring projects Instagram @sewmuchglitter as well as sharing this challenge with you here. This isn’t a total time commitment, just some fun me time (we all deserve that). Let me know in the comments how you share your mediums.

Be sure to subscribe as I will be back very soon with a project.